Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Blog 4: EOTO Com Tech

The EOTO that I decided to research was the personal computer. The very first personal computer that was invented was called the Atlair. It was developed in 1974. Ed Roberts invented this type of computer. His purpose in inventing the first personal computer was to make something that was affordable and useful to people, to create something that people could get use out of in their homes, and to create it not so big in size to not take up a lot of space. It was designed to help users write their programs through a small machine and help them for storage purposes and organization. Keyboards were not yet created on this type of personal computer. There early personal computers were called microcomputers because of the size and structure of them. Personal computers were way less expensive compared to mainframe computers, as there was not much to them at the beginning of its development. Early personal computers did not have synthesizers or sound boards, however sounds were able to be created on a disk in digital form. The personal computer revolution has also created different changes in education purposes due to the PC being linked to the internet which is a great source for research. They are very useful to individuals as the size, price, and capabilities of it fit into a person's needs and wants.


The invention of personal computers changed the world by facilitating contacts between people and bringing them closer together. It helped people discover facts that would have never been discovered and it was specifically intended for interactive individual usage. It was also developed to help perform tasks in engineering, science and warfare. These computers were first authorized by entrepreneurs and mathematicians. The specific problems that it had solved in the past was solving the number crunching challenges that were increasing. 

The positive impacts that the personal computer created was helping the economy with transferring information and funds. It has inspired new companies and industries. It is also a great entertainment system for individuals. It has greatly changed human life for multiple reasons. It helps people do everyday things, such as paying bills, looking up weather forecasting, and using different social media aspects. Some of the negative effects of the personal computer being invented is how it affects a person's eye strain due to the brightness, time, and glare of it.

One year after the Atlair was developed, there were many more things that were created. Microsoft was founded in 1975, while a few years later another personal computer was launched called IBM that ran on Microsoft's operating system. This shows that as years kept going, more and more advanced technology with personal computers kept getting launched. It has changed greatly with it’s change in volume and speed. Personal computers and desktop computers are generally the same thing, just with a different name.


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