Friday, January 28, 2022

Blog 3: Eight Values of Free Expression

On the Eight Values of Free Expression, the one that resonated the most with me is the sixth value entitles "Promote Tolerance, The Tolerant Society: Freedom of Speech and Extremist Speech". Freedom of speech is truly about human rights, allowing a society as a whole to continue developing into a better atmosphere and to help individuals state their true opinions. It brings out change to a society due to stating how a person feels over a situation and not believing in one certain thing. I believe this is the most important value of free expression. Freedom of speech also protects you from specific things in the world, such as how the First Amendment guarantees the right to express certain information and new ideas, which lessons the fear of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time without any fear of censorship from the government or media. Free Speech Statement

I believe that the fourth value entitled "Individual Self-Fulfillment, Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech" plays a major role in life today. It grants a person to make their own free choices and plays a role in factoring choosing what they want to do or say in their daily lives. It does in fact help an individual to create their own identity that is different from other people.

A theory can help to explain what is going on in the real world by specifically making a guess to the actions that are made in the world and not needing to support this guess with any type of evidence to back up its claim.

When freedom of speech might be limited - BYU-I Scroll

The First Amendment does protect every type of form for communication whether it is from sources of different medias or not. Freedom of Speech also protects different forms of symbolic speech, which is specifically an example of non written forms of communication. An example of this would specifically be flag burning or burning of draft cards and even wearing armbands. It places an importance in the civil rights act which allows a person to express their thoughts and beliefs through powerful actions without expressing it in words.

The seventh value entitled "Promote Innovation- living originalism" is primarily used in action in todays world. It bring value to a community for free speech and helps with diversity making sure every single person is able to express what they want to. It helps a society as a whole become more creative while haring about other individuals express their opinions and beliefs. It is interesting because one may hear about opposing views, however no conflict is involved in doing so. It is primarily for the constitution for the the promise of political equality.

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