Monday, March 7, 2022

Blog 9: Diffusion of Innovations

An innovation that was created in the past that I looked into through the lens of the Diffusion Theory is Facebook. Facebook was founded all the way back in 2004. It became very popular in the sense that it gave individuals a voice online for them to share with friends, acquaintances, and the world around them. People search on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for different friendship networks to share their different emotions, experiences, and even opinions over anything they want. Facebook is continuously growing throughout the years and spreading worldwide. It is currently the largest SNS in the world as a whole and considered the most influential company in the world. Facebook has hosted up to 90 different businesses and millions of advertisers. It is viewed as a consistently changing platform and not just simply a social networking site. Their net worth is precisely $527 billion. Statistics show that more people benefit in a positive way from using Facebook over negative ways. It helps more people interact with others and stay in touch with different long distance relationships.

No matter how popular Facebook or different forms of social media are, there are still certain people who are not on it. There are a few different reasonings for this, one being that people may just want their own privacy. Certain individuals don't feel the need to share what is going on in their life to the world and would rather just keep it to themselves. 

The advantage of using Diffusion of Innovation theory gives Facebook and other social media platforms a rapid growth rate in their corporation. It also helps make the growth of these platforms more analyzed. Below is a chart that describes the Diffusion of Innovation theory and the different stages adapters. The main definition of it is to understand why new ideas on social media and different technology platforms spread. It also helps in practicing new practices and ideas.

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