Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Blog 10: EOTO, Presentations

I found it interesting to learn from other groups' presentations about the concept of propaganda for awareness. The overall goal of propaganda is to influence public opinions and behaviors. Propaganda distributes facts that could be truths or lies. A beneficial thing about it is that it promotes decision making and shapes public actions and beliefs. It can manipulate individuals' emotions based on the information that they see or hear about. It is designed to help any leader or government to change different attitudes of people aimed at a cause or even a political agenda. If it is displayed as a negative aspect it is because it can degrade or damage certain things or people. However, it does promote positive changes in a society as a whole. Examples of propaganda may include different types of campaigns along with awareness commercials. It takes on facts that are able to be repeated continuously. Propaganda was used immensely during World War 1 and World War 2 by posters being displayed to show who they believe the real enemy is and win over public opinion. It also helps to persuade one side's own citizens and people in other countries. It is generally most common as a messaged message, an agenda, a targeted audience, and delivery of information.

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